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August 30, 2006

Uganda: Will cease-fire end use of child conscripts, sex slaves in war torn nation?

AP: Cease-Fire Brings Hope to Uganda

A cease-fire between Uganda's government and a shadowy rebel movement that has terrorized this east African nation for nearly two decades went into effect Tuesday.

The truce signed Saturday is aimed at ending the brutal war between the government and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army, notorious for cutting off the tongues and lips of innocent civilians, enslaving thousands of children, and driving nearly 2 million people from their homes.


U.N. officials estimate Kony's guerrillas kidnapped 20,000 children in the past 19 years, turning the boys into soldiers and the girls into sex slaves for rebel commanders. Rebel attacks and atrocities drove 1.7 million people to flee.

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August 29, 2006

DOJ to host National Trafficking Conference in New Orleans in October 2006

From the August 2006 issue of the Anti-Trafficking Bulletin published by the Department of Justice (also available in PDF format).
The Justice Department has selected New Orleans for the first of three annual conferences designed to advance the federal government's knowledge base about human trafficking within the United States and to improve access by practitioners to usable research about human trafficking. As Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Wan J. Kim explained: "We hope to take the first steps toward acquiring a broader research base that will inform law enforcement managers about where to allocate investigative resources. For example, we want to learn more about informal labor markets where some labor brokers engage in criminal exploitation of laborers." The conference will also build on the Department's initial national conference held in 2004 in Tampa, Florida. [Photo of Assistant Attorney General Wan Kim] That conference led to the creation of 20 multi disciplinary task forces designed to undertake proactive investigations. "By the time of the conference we will have 42 task forces, so once again we will invite key team members from each task force to participate," said Kim. "We are expecting each participant to help us understand what they need in the area of research to do a better job of targeting our law enforcement resources." The conference, to be held October 3-5, 2006, is the first of three congressionally funded annual conferences that the Justice Department will implement.

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August 7, 2006


Posting has been near non-existent the past few weeks (and will continue to be so, for the next couple of weeks) because I am gearing up for a major relocation.

I have several articles to post about regarding some interesting developments that I hope to share with you in the near future.

In the meantime, thank you for your patience and please, do check back often in case I am able to sneak a post in here or there.


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